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Coaching female leaders to develop their own authentic style – a great passion

Frauen unterstützen, ihren eigenen authentischen Führungsstil zu entdecken_Rebecca Aschenbrenner_Brigitte Platzer-Huber

This week, Rebecca Aschenbrenner (Partner at Connect & Develop, Munich) and I kicked off our 2021 international women’s leadership programme for one of Connect & Develop’s clients.

We had such a good time with over 15 participants from more than 10 different countries – collaborative learning and genuine encounters! It was also a fantastic experience doing it virtually with Prezi and Zoom in a professional studio with special lighting and a super team setup at Erol Gurian Photography in Munich. Of course, we all had a negative Covid test and being able to work with 2 people for 2 days in the same room may have contributed to a very positive experience (after all, we had many months in our home offices 😊).


Creating a space for awareness & reflection

Now we are really looking forward to our upcoming female leadership workshop series in 2021 with a lot of open, honest, inspiring and in-depth conversations, and certainly, a lot of fun. In our sessions we will be discussing everything from “typical habits” that hold women back and how to re-shape them, to managing our energy effectively and sharing & sparring our leadership aspirations.

Frauen unterstützen, ihren eigenen authentischen Führungsstil zu entdecken_Rebecca Aschenbrenner_Brigitte Platzer-Huber

Talents develop talents: Peer Coaching

Moreover, we are introducing a (virtual) peer coaching approach in our workshop formats as a means to develop well-functioning and trusted leadership networks. Creating a regular safe space for female leaders to openly and honestly share current challenges and enable them to develop solutions together, can be a huge benefit. It will certainly strengthen trust and community in an organisation.

Note: Peer coaching should not only be offered for women in leadership – there should be respective formats for all gender types to get access to a variety of different skills and perspectives.

Proud and happy!

All in all, it’s an absolute honour and pure joy to support and coach young and highly talented female leaders in their quest to develop their own leadership style and to find their own authentic way forward in life & business!

Finally, I am proud and grateful for a trusted cooperation partnership with Connect & Develop in Munich.


Let’s get in touch to talk more about topics around feamle leadership development. Moreover, I am always happy to receive your feedback or comments about this article.

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